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Aims, Objectives, Vision, & Ethics

 The Aims, Objectives, Vision & Ethics of Carity Foundation


Carity foundation believes in caring for the poor in their tough times and doing other charitable activities to make society a better place to live.

The foundation hopes to achieve brotherhood, compassion, peace, kindness, responsibility, generosity, selflessness, empathy, and service mentality among its donors, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and Indian society in a broader sense. 

It hopes to achieve the above high human values by building a habit of small contributions towards the unprivileged and standing by them in difficult times. 


To achieve the aims of the Carity foundation, we undertake the following activities.

  1. Provide limited cash assistance to the poor when they are under treatment due to an illness or accident
  2. Provide aids and assistive devices to physically-challenged people.
  3. Organize health camps and health awareness programs. 
  4. Run special scholarship programs to support poor students academically aged between 14 to 18. 
  5. Plant trees in selected areas to make our environment eco-friendly. 

The foundation's primary objective is to provide cash assistance to the poor for treatment, and the remaining objectives are ancillary. 

To meet the mission and objectives, the foundation raises funds from the below sources.

  1. Membership Fund - The foundation has dedicated donor members who contribute monthly.
  2. Public Fund - The foundation installs QR codes across various places to raise funds from the public.
  3. CSR Fund - The foundation also applies for the Corporate Social Responsibility Fund from companies.
  4. Government Fund - The foundation applies for various state and central government grants.
  5. NGOs and Trust Fund - The foundation may receive funds from other non-government organizations, trusts, and societies. 


The vision of the Carity foundation is to make a healthy and happy nation.

We will aware people of various deadly diseases and how to prevent them, and also provide counseling to the people already affected on how to get rid of them, along with the financial assistance they need. 

We will not only provide financial help but also aware people of various schemes the government has started for their benefit and locate the best health institutes for their treatment.  

The areas of our operation shall expand throughout the nation and touch the most underprivileged section of our society without a caste, creed, sex, and other social and economic bias. 

We will arrange Yoga classes, health camps, awareness programs, and even motivational seminars to fulfill our mission of building a nation of healthy and happy people. 

With time, we will stand as an NGO of international standards and will be technologically driven for faster service delivery and develop a quick response mechanism. 


The trustees and all other stakeholders of the foundation shall strictly adhere to the following codes of ethics.

The people associated with the foundation must possess a service mentality, and the governing body and other stakeholders of the foundation shall render their services without any remuneration other than its employees. They must believe in giving rather than taking. All the activities must be towards the public welfare that is in line with the foundation's mission and objectives. 

The governing body of the foundation shall work as voluntaries with tons of work on their shoulders. They shall not claim any remuneration for rendering their services. However, if they are assigned for an official tour or work, they will be compensated with the actual expenses. 

The foundation shall maintain a high level of transparency in both financial and non-financial activities. Similarly, it will remain responsible for every activity and decision to its stakeholders and donors. Every single detail will be updated on its website and will be shared in the social media group. 

The funds raised by the foundation or any profit it makes out of any investment must go for the public welfare purposes that are in line with the aims and objectives of the foundation. No part of the profit or funds raised shall be diverted to the benefits of the trustees or any other stakeholder associated with the foundation. 

The foundation will remain independent of any political parties and interference even if it raises funds from the state government or central government or works with local politicians to fulfill its aims and objectives. 

The foundation is independent. Therefore, all the policies, vision, and activities of the foundation shall not be determined by any other trust, society, government, donor, political parties, or other organizations. 

To achieve the mission and objectives the foundation is to have a meaningful contribution from its regular donors in addition to other sources. Therefore, the foundation shall always remain thankful and accountable to its donors. 

The foundation shall always seek feedback to improve its operation from its donors, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders from time to time. 

The foundation shall meet every year to evaluate and critically examine the activities of the foundation and determine their relevance to its mission and objectives. 


The Trustee

Carity Foundation

Polasara, Ganjam, Odisha
