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Rules and Regulations

 The trustees of the Carity foundation have formulated the following rules and regulations for your kind information. 

  1. Anyone with an intention to help the poor can become a regular donor irrespective of his or her caste, creed, religion, and other socio-economic status. 
  2. Only people who are actively involved in politics, and have a criminal background cannot become regular donors to the foundation. 
  3. However, anyone can donate to the foundation using our QR code placed at various locations and we will not be responsible for the fund raised. The donor should ensure its legality.
  4. A dedicated closed WhatsApp group and a website are operational to share the updates with our regular donors to maintain transparency. 
  5. The foundation requests not to post any messages in the WhatsApp group between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. ISD, and post only relevant messages.
  6. The minimum contribution amount is Rs 100 for regular donors. However, there is no restriction for QR-based donations. 
  7. The above-mentioned minimum amount is not compulsory. It's a request only. 
  8. A regular donor has the freedom to contribute regularly, stop making contributions, or exit the group without notice. However, the foundation requests all its regular donors to continue their contributions regularly and stay with the foundation. 
  9. The regular donors have the right to put any question before the trustees and seek the proper answer. They are also required to suggest the best practices to improve the operational efficiency of the foundation.
  10. In addition to the regular donors, the foundation will also raise funds from the state government, central government, local bodies, corporations, companies, non-government organizations, trusts, banks, etc. from time to time.
  11. The foundation will share the bank statement at the end of the month where all the credit and debit transactions are recorded. The regular donors are requested to verify the details and report any discrepancies to the group immediately. 
  12. The foundation shall mention the details of debit transactions. However, the foundation is not answerable for credit transactions in its bank account. 
  13. The foundation requests its regular donors to suggest the names of the beneficiaries who are poor and have some medical conditions in their locality. We are going to operate throughout India and thus there is no regional bias. 
  14. The foundation requires the following documents of the final beneficiaries in physical form to initiate the payment. 
    1. Photocopy of Aadhaar card
    2. Photocopy of BPL card, ration card, or any other document that proves that he or she belongs to a poor section of the society
    3. Photocopy of recent medical documents and bills
    4. Photocopy of bank account (Guardian's account info in case of minors)
    5. A passport-sized photo
    6. Mobile Number
    7. School or College ID in case of scholarship or other educational grants
    8. Disability certificate in case of physically challenged person and availing benefits for the disability. 
  15. The payout to the beneficiaries will be completed via online mode and through cheque only. Hence, there will be no cash payments. 
  16. The suggestion of regular donors is welcome. However, they cannot force the trustees to pay a particular person. It is the sole discretion of the trustee to decide the right beneficiary. 
  17. The executive body members will meet at the end of each month to decide the final beneficiaries and discuss other issues and plans. 
  18. The general body will meet every six months to review the functions of the foundation and put necessary suggestions before the trust.
  19. The trustees will work on a no remuneration basis. However, there will be certain unavoidable expenses, like audit expenses, traveling expenses of the executive members to attend meetings or seminars or other official tours, counseling fees, and legal and other regulatory compliance expenses. To meet the above-mentioned expenses we will keep aside 5% of the contribution amount each month to maintain an initial corpus of Rs 50,000. However, the above-mentioned percentage and corpus will change from time to time. 
  20. We will maintain a separate record for these expenses and share the details with you. 

Thank you for being a part of the Carity foundation. 


The Trustee

Carity Foundation 

Polasara, Ganjam, Odisha.
